DB Cargo
Rail Access


Project Type

Online Service


DB Cargo



My Role

Concept, UX Design

About the Project

Our redesign of this eService makes it easy for logistics professionals to find the right access point for loading and shipping by rail.

„Rail Access“ is an important part of the DB Cargo catalogue of online services. We were asked by DB Cargo to create a new and simplified user experience along with a new look and feel.

Map & Filters

The easiest way to find an access point is by moving around the map and clicking on one of the pins. Using the filter sections, users can specify the type of access points that are shown.


The search bar can be used to find access points directly by name or near a certain location. If an address is searched, all nearby departments are shown, ranked by how near they are to the address.

Detail Information

Through using the search or selecting a pin on the map, the user opens the access point information. It contains all relevant data for this location, like contact info, storage area, equipment, etc…

Project Team

The project was done in collaboration with my Scholz & Volkmer Team:

Kathleen Sterzel – Team Lead & Creative Director
Lennard Schaack – Concept IA
Paul Schänzlin – Concept IA
Frederik Merkel – Design

Let’s create something great together.
